Hi, today I would like to share a very nice tutorial created by Makes Sense on YouTube. It is nice to see when someone likes my solution and creates a very nice easy to share an explanation of how to use KinectCam. I would like to thank you for creating it for the author of this very nice tutorial and sharing it here. I have only one improvement in mind when I watch it. When you try to run “install.bat” as an Administrator and right-click on install.bat, there is also the option “Edit” to choose from, and when you use that option, a notepad window appears. You can add “X:” and “cd X:\KinectCamOnX\” where X is your hard drive letter. Kinectcamonx is a path or your hard drive X. Those additional 2 lines are for Win8, which is not smart enough to run “install.bat” in the current path, so you need to add those 2 lines to make sure KinectCam will be registered correctly from working path. And when you save your notepad work, you can run “install.bat” as an Administrator, and it will work on Win8 with no problems with registration. I was thinking of creating an installer setup to automatically do that, but you know, I like to share KinectCam solution as created by the hacker to hackers :P.
P ;).