Hi, today I want to share with you design example of KinectCamV2. Steve Jobs sometimes used to say that design is not about how solutions and devices look. It is about how they work. And I have seen today a very nice design example at the home of KinectCamV2. So, I now have a good idea for today’s post for my blog. The best design example is watching how people use your solutions and ideas. And nice things about software engineering are often chances to make people happy and see their smiles. Most important thing to everyone who wants to help others, because for me the important thing is to use my talent mostly to make people happier ;).
There is one more thing. I realized that my solution is so cool that I want to share with everyone Source Code of FullFastKinectCamV2 version 2.2 (5479 downloads). To give you a chance to make your own changes and improvements, write code to make something better. The most important reason for not sharing source code before was to wait until I made the solution the best I could to code. Now it is time for you. All more talented coders than me ;). With this source code, you have a chance to find by yourself experiments the way to make something fit your expectations and make your family and friends happy. Feel free to send me your solutions source code. Enjoy!
p ;).
Thank you Piotr, this is way better than me trying to transfer everything to Flash through socket :).
I am trying to modified it to display Body Index frame instead of Color frame. All I managed was a black screen though. Is there anything special about the Body Index frame? What should I do to get the a display of Body Index like the one in Kinect Studio?
Worked great for Skype! Thanks! I tried it with Lync and Gotomeeting but did not have any luck. Any suggestions?
Thanks again!
Hey, first of all i want to thank you for this awesome tool, that make me happy of having buyed a kinect every day ( i don’t use it much .. and don’t code a lot with it )
Also thanks for the source code, here my improvements :
Zoom mode ( X2 zoom )
Head Tracking ( so you don’t have to perfectly move the camera everytime in zoom mode )