eGFX Breakaway Puck Beauty Beast

Hi, I recently posted about the Sonnet eGPU company product. I think it was too big, too heavy and overall not nice. But I found on YouTube a nice video when the Sonnet representative had a small box to present, and he named it puck solution. It was awesome. I found on the research and development of the company that this is something Sonnet is planning to do and lunch. I was impressed by the solution, a small, designed, exquisite box, not much bigger than 2 external hard drives. I also assigned myself to the newsletter for the Sonnet company, and on Saturday, I received an email that eGFX Breakaway Push Beauty Beast was launched a few days ago ;-). I ordered it almost immediately;-).

eGFX Breakaway Puck Beauty Beast

When I unpacked this small beautiful box, I said to myself Wow! :-). It is small, nice, quiet, well-designed, and works awesomely. I use MacBook Pro 13 without a dedicated GPU, so it is a perfect choice. I also bought 1 thing that should be mandatory in the box. Ghost HDMI adapter, I found it at a restively reasonable price on eBay. And on the macOS High Sierra 10.13.1, you must connect the eGFX box and plug the Ghost HDMI adapter into the HDMI connector. Then the magic happens, and you have accelerated display inside your MBP 13…;-).

eGFX Breakaway Puck Beauty

At the end, I want to show you what it looks like in the system properties… It was taken on native display Today, and I would like to say that Apple does not have to make eGPU anymore because Sonnet did a great job with eGFX Beauty Best on the design;-).

eGFX Breakaway Puck Beauty

p ;-).

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