MMM means Mac Moria Miner project

Hello, my dear readers. Today I would like to remind you of an excellent viewpoint of Steve Jobs, who I want to learn from, more from the story and public-faced information than from internal people skills… but anyway, here is the short interview I would like to influence you with first. The secret of life is that things around you are made by people no more intelligent than you, so if you want to break walls and discover something extraordinary, you can… if your talent and curiosity allow doing so… and simply make you happy:-).

I would like to tell you something I called the Mac Moria Miner project, which I wanted to check only by curiosity. Why? Because I am not more intelligent than you, and you are not smarter than me… even brilliant people are not complementary good in everything, which is obvious, I think. Now, here is the basic idea ;-).

Mac Moria Miner

Simple, I wanted to unleash the full power of macOS on 4 GPUs from the top level of AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT ;-). And I know it is possible to mine ETH or BTC, but I wanted only to measure the possibility of performance above 3 GPUs at a time. I am also inquisitive about the performance of 4 GPUs and Darknet on OpenCL performance, so I did a bit of a check, and it works super stable and super fast ;-).

Mac Mine Moria Darknet

Now, you probably feel, oh nice, the guy prepared the solution, so He provided the spec, the EFI, and we may take it to reuse for free… well, not anymore for free. I put the donation button, and only a few people gave me a few $ $$$ for my work, and since that time, thousands have used my work, so I will not give away the secret sauce anymore. I am very sorry about that. Remember, I am not more intelligent than you, so you may build your own miner on macOS. I am only influenced from now on ;-).

Mac Moria Miner Hardware

Btw, try to click the clock on this blog now… please do not be scared… instead, enjoy, and thanks for reading! 😀

p ;-).

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