Hi, today I want to share a short photo story about making the custom loop water cooling on my PC. The specification is the same as described at Hania PC on GitHub. So the idea is old. Now the question is, why I needed the water cooling? Well, in small form factor ITX motherboards, when I used strong GPU, it simply overheats the motherboard in some tasks like Blender rendering or Gaming or training of my Darknet on OpenCL you know? So, that is in the Dan Li A4-H20 case, my Hania PC, at the end of a change to water cooling. I put on the image a few elements to show you how small the PC is. I like that. It is solid and small ;-).
But let me share a few more images I took when I built it. First of all, I was waiting for the pump on top of the case with the radiator for more than a month, and it is made from copper, so easy to see what part it is. As I said, it is a brilliant fit made from copper, giving bach all hot very efficiently.
Overall I am using only 2 FANs, a good one, and in stress, the maximal temperature I measured is 39-Celcius degrees in the loop because I also put the thermistor in the circle. Unable to share where, but you believe my word ;-).
You may see who is the Out and In wholes are for the water loop. The nice thing is that in the whole circle, I used only three pipes of PTEG. From the CPU side, it is not looking super impressive. I decided to use classic EKWB elements. And I make a custom loop, hard looping for the first time, so please do not expect spectacular accuracy ;-).
I use a tester when I put all pipes in place and guess what? It was perfectly stable ;-). Lucky of a first-time doer, you may say, and you will be correct. I do many wrongs, incorrect, or inaccurate things, but thanks to all my prayer before the build, it worked and worked like harm.
Please do not laugh ;-). One screw is not fit perfectly, but once the tester showed, all were solid. The thing is that I was super happy I fil the loop with water and, believe it or both. PC booted like before with no single issue ;-).
And here it is with full ARGB. I can disable it anytime, but I will keep it as is. I wonder about your comments and your experience with such builds. For me is significant at the last maximal 39-celsius degrees in the GPU and CPU simultaneously.
p ;-).