Killing me Softly with all Songs

Hi there ;-). Today, I would like to go over it. I have almost finished 2024, which has been difficult for me for a year, even if it does not end up. Dus, first things first, I would like to say hi to someone dear to my heart with the below picture. But I promise to protect her privacy. So I only want to say Thank you! ;-). Returning to the conclusion, Continue ReadingKilling me Softly with all Songs Architecture

Hi, my Dear Readers! ;-). Let me start Today’s story with the fact that the starts to play Chess and Chess 960 ook ;-). Without that start statement, any design advantages do not make sense. Please remember that any good architectural design is about how things work, not how things are built. I heard that once, and it made an impression on me. It turns out a clear understanding that Continue Architecture v2.27

This is a day, I was looking forward entire year. I remember the moment when we discuss with Professor Jacek Izydorczyk the subject of math oriented AI that can be very enjoyable and valuable, the Game of Kings. But first, we considered to reaserch AI in the medical aspects of usage, the financial, and then I told that the best in class AI is for gaming but the only game I am Continue v2.27