Training of Portable v2.27 vs Stockfish 15.1
kini ang pinakamaayo nga akong nahimo sa talento nga akong nabatonan…
Hi, there are many challenges on Windows 11 x64 with AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT. For the last few months, from time to time, I started to try to build on Windows 10 x64 first and later I updated to Windows 11 x64. There are the following open issues I faced: 1) Time spent on detection is a bit longer than on GNU/Linux or macOS. 2) Detections seem fine when I try Continue ReadingDarknet on OpenCL on Windows 11 x64
Hello, my dear readers. Today I would like to remind you of an excellent viewpoint of Steve Jobs, who I want to learn from, more from the story and public-faced information than from internal people skills… but anyway, here is the short interview I would like to influence you with first. The secret of life is that things around you are made by people no more intelligent than you, so if you Continue ReadingMMM means Mac Moria Miner project
Hi, Today I would like to announce that my GitHub fork at has a new update, the fork is an advanced port of DarkNet CNN from CUDA to OpenCL and tested on macOS with eGPU from Sonnet named Breakaway RX 570 Puck and on my GreenPC it also supports Intel Iris GPU, OpenCV 3, and there are several use cases for it. Yolo3, Yolo2, Yolo1, CIFAR-10 solutions work fine, using demo from Continue ReadingDarkNet in OpenCL
Hi, Today I would like to announce that my GitHub fork at has a new update. The fork is an advanced port of DarkNet CNN from CUDA to OpenCL and tested on macOS with eGPU from Sonnet named Breakaway RX 570 Puck. You can enjoy my coding work on this subject by cloning the GIT repository. I only want to show you two pictures of detections on my GreenPC. YoloV2 [gamer@dreampc darknet]$ Continue ReadingDarkNet CNN in OpenCL on macOS with Yolo3
Hi, I want to share a truly unique solution today. It was originally presented on TED Talks about DarkNet by Joseph Redmon. Once I saw it, I wondered how to play with this solution on my MacBook Pro 13. As you may know, has not had GPU. I am mean. It has, but it is not very strong. But that was improved once I bought Sonnet eGFX 580 Puck… the funny thing Continue ReadingCar See by DarkNet CNN on MacBookPro 13 with Sonnet eGFX 580