γεια, έχει περάσει αρκετός καιρός από την τελευταία καταχώρηση σε αυτό το blog… ;-). Σχεδόν ξεχνάω πόσο ωραίο είναι να γράφεις μια ανάρτηση στο blog μέσα στη νύχτα με μουσική AirPods :Π. Η αλήθεια να λέγεται, I almost dropped this iChess.io project once on the aiChess.io I could not make sufficient working self-learning of the chess. Δεν θέλω να χρησιμοποιήσω κανένα βιβλίο για το σκάκι, μόνο, like they say, reinforcement learning. So I did at last ;-). There are many things I have learned since this project started about 6 months ago. And I have to say that all my original thoughts and ideas were right, only my coding skills needed more attention, but I had a perfect time sometimes overnight, with the beauty of C and GNU/Linux coding my version of the best game that it is. What now? The game will slowly become better and better till some moment my cloud hardware will be able to adapt. If you want to play anytime, feel free. At the end of this entry to mention, I did not enable learning from other human players… opponents… I do not even log your move or anything like that, as I firmly believe privacy is a fundamental human right. So no tracking on this iChess.io site!
Π ;).