Posts by category
- Category: شغلی
- Am I an Innovator to You
- Be Fearless
- Birthday Wishes
- Career Advisor
- First Ph.D. Studies Failure Fruits
- Happy Holidays at The End of 2014
- How AI improve business
- IASA CITA Foundation Certificate
- نسخه 2.27
- It is time to reap the fruit
- Learn Java at Hacker Rank and Rank 1 in 7 Days
- Mistakes During Career
- My first Custom Loop for Hania PC
- My view-point AMD vs NVIDIA in GPU-Computing
- PhD is not for me
- Scaling Yourself
- See you on the RoboAICon 2023
- The Best of All for Software Architects
- The way from zero to team player
- There is One More Thing… Q2 2021
- When you Found your Passion
- Who Reads this… Sugar
- Why People Work
- Work Life Balance
- Category: TEDx
- Category: سرگرمی
- 4x ARC 770
- AMD vs NVIDIA GPU-Battle 2020
- AMD vs NVIDIA GPU-Battle 2020 Final
- Azure SaaS and Multi Service Bus Core
- Benefits of Failure
- Blog Stats
- Bonsai Hobby so Far so Good
- Coffee
- Create and Heal
- DarkNet CNN in OpenCL on macOS with Yolo3
- Darknet on OpenCL on Windows 11 x64
- DiRT Rally
- Draft of The Year 2021 by My Daughter
- Dream for Gamer
- DreamPC vs HaniaPC
- First Year with Bonsai Hobby
- Four Seasons Bonsai Exhibition
- Fritz 14
- Game of 2020 ⇪ The Settlers
- GPU OpenCL Fine-Tuning Problem
- Great Voices
- Greatness is Determine by Service
- How equal We are
- How to Defeat the Life to Win
- I am Unicorn: Why? What? Where?
- I pull up at the club
- Killing me Softly with all Songs
- KinectCam version 1.1
- Learn Computer
- Looking for Inspirations
- Motivational Speach
- My Name-Day
- New Blog Graphic Design
- Protected: PC for PhD Studies
- Photo of the 2024
- Photo of The Year 2014
- Photo of The Year 2015
- Photo of The Year 2016
- Photo of The Year 2018
- Photo of the Year 2020
- Photo of the Year 2022
- Photo of the Year 2023
- Photo of the Year 2023
- Photo Studio Like AI
- Photo of The Year 2017
- Photos of the Year
- Possible Game of the Year 2020
- PWB Predictor in C# with Encog 3.3
- PWM Fan on Cable Connector Controller
- Protected: Rest
- Review Roard
- Show me the Money
- Sport Hobby
- Stay Fearless, Stay Courage!
- Thank You for Playing
- The Best Chess Opponent
- The Best RTS Warcraft III works again on native Mac OS X
- The Bonsai Tree
- The CES 2021 Must to Watch
- The Fastest DarkNet in OpenCL on The Planet
- The Phone of The Year 2020
- The Setters – At Last for PC
- The Settlers still coming soon ;-/.
- The Truth is Easier than Lie
- There is one more day left!
- There is one more thing on this Fall
- Tim Cook on DealBook 2021
- Welcome Back Abe
- What my Bonsai Trees can teach to me?
- Category: Java
- Category: طراحی کردن
- 4 x Radeon RX 6900 XT in Action on the macOS Big Sur v11.5.2
- Application Solution Architect
- Batch Processing Aspect in C#
- Binary Tree Visible Nodes Counting
- Car See by DarkNet CNN on MacBookPro 13 with Sonnet eGFX 580
- Code Puzzle – Get Behind Firewall – Solution
- Coding by to Design of KinectCamV2
- DarkNet CUDA vs OpenCL and CPU vs NVIDIA vs AMD
- DarkNet in OpenCL on Asus Tinker Board S
- Darknet in OpenCL on Beagleboard AI
- DarkNet Training
- DarkNet-vNext on CUDA
- Duplicater for Duplicate Search
- eGFX Breakaway Puck Beauty Beast
- eGPU for MacBook Pro 13
- The PostSharp (AOP) with The Pub/Sub Events Aspects
- EuroJackpot with EnCog ANN and Stats
- FastStringKeyDictionary Intro
- Floating Pointers on OpenCL cl_mem
- Generic Free Pattern
- Generic Free Pattern Improved C#
- GPU-Computing macOS Big Sur vs iBuntu Lux Sur
- GPU Computing on OpenCL
- Green PC
- Hania PC… well… it needs macOS
- The Powerful Async Pattern in .NET 1.1 without TPL and Async CTP1
- iBlog Home Office Design
- iBlog Home Office Solution
- پس از 120 هزار حرکت
- ارائه
- Project Ready to Play
- نسخه 2.27.1 آماده بازی
- نسخه 3.27 قابل حمل با جزئیات در macOS
- در مقابل Deep Shredder 13 & 2022 خلاصه
- Gallery Introduce
- IoT Platform PoC
- Is OpenCL beats CUDA?
- Summary of 2021
- Kinect and Lync
- KinectCamV2 for Kinect V2
- Learn Java proof at Hacker Rank in Tag Content Extractor
- Mac Moria Miner Project Failure
- MMM means Mac Moria Miner project
- Multi Service Bus Core
- Multi Service Bus Core 2.0
- Multi Service Bus Core on Raspberry Pi 3
- Multi Service Bus Core Released
- Multi Service Bus Design FAQ
- Multi Service Bus Project Launch
- New Dream PC
- New Logo iDeas Draft
- ODBBrowser
- ParallelExecutorAspect in C#
- Performance Counter Logger
- Ph.D. Hania (Hackintosh) is Ready
- Ph.D. Hanna (Hackintosh) is Ready
- PhD OpenCL Challenges
- PhD Progress from March 8th 2020 Update Keynote
- PhD Progress from May 27th 2020 Update Keynote
- PLSQLTester
- نسخه قابل حمل نسخه 2.27
- Product of The Year 2017
- Product of the Year 2021
- Product of the Year 2023
- PWM Controller
- ROG Enthusiast SLI Bridge Challenge
- Settlers IV PL on MacBook Pro 13 with Retina
- Settlers IV PL on MacBook Pro in FullScreen 16:10
- Simple Service Bus Training
- SimpleServiceBus
- SQL Ninja gets Products from Group Tree CTE
- SQL Ninja moves Data in Auto Balancer Loop
- SQL Ninja replace for Cursor with CTE
- SQL Ninja uses ORDER BY with CASE
- SQL Queries Tuning by Brent Ozard
- The Clock
- نسخه 1.0 آماده پخش عمومی است
- نسخه 1.27 با آموزش تقویتی آماده بازی عمومی است.
- The Multi-GPU-SET Idea
- Third usage of C# out keyword with Roslyn Intro
- آموزش قابل حمل v2.27 در مقابل Stockfish 15.1
- TSQLTester for SQL Ninja with Mocking
- Tutorial of MS SQL Extended Events in 7 T-SQL Steps
- Type Script
- Vision of Intel CEO at IntelON
- Welcome at CodingByToDesign.NET
- Category: کد نویسی
- C و حافظه آهنگ
- Coder Legacy
- DarkNet in OpenCL
- Darknet on OpenCL on FreeBSD 13.1
- Free Correctly MCTS in C in the
- GPU-Computing for Vision Recognition Platform as IoT
- GPU OpenCL Fine-Tuning Problem Solution
- HackerRank Customer Service Capacity
- معماری
- Learn Java so Far so Good Java 1D Array
- SimpleDatabaseBroker
- SQL Ninja PK Clustered or Non Clustered for GUID
- Tic Tac Toe
- TSQLTester for SQL Ninja
- Using of TextWriter by StringBuilder
- Category: .NET
- ArrayHelper<T> for Reverse and Sort
- Asking for Help
- Base of The PostSharp UDP Communication Aspect
- Become more Agile with Behavior Driven Development and Spec#
- Begin of C₤ Coding Adventure
- Begin of Kinect for Windows Coding Adventure for Fun
- BlockingCollectionConsumer<T>
- Breakthrough DbTester Solution and Training
- Common Communicator
- CompiledDelegate with Roslyn
- Constant Memory Queues of T
- Data Model Async
- DevDay 2012
- It is always time for Testing (Unit, Stress, Integration, Expert)
- The Dependency Injection Pattern
- FastStringCollection
- First Brief about Amazing NDepend
- Fluent Transform Extensions
- Foreach in WCF Generic Implementation (New)
- ForeachREST in WCF Generic Implementation
- FormatReplace Extenssion Method
- Just Productivity Tools
- Kinect for PC and Skype means KinectCam
- KinectCam on YouTube
- Modern Challenges of Software Architecture
- MultiThreadingProtectorAspect
- MultiThreadingProtectorAspect
- New Bonsai and Fastest Binder
- Performance Manager Aspects (New)
- PL Lotto Predictor in C# with Encog 3.3
- ProcessesManagerAspect
- Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Specialist
- Proof of Knowledge with Microsoft Exams
- PublisherConsumerCollection
- Stay hungry, Stay foolish
- The async keyword implementation in the C# language
- The Beauty of 70 lines of C# 4.0 code – the Probabilistic Tree
- The Cryptography PostSharp Aspects
- The Light MEF like PostSharp Aspects
- The magic number of 7000 unique visits
- The MCPD & MCTS Certificate of Excellence
- The performance of the generic IDictionary .NET implementations
- The Powerful Async Pattern in .NET 2.0 with Threads
- The Powerful Async Pattern in .NET 4.0 with Parallel
- The Powerful Async Pattern in .NET 4.0 with Tasks
- The Powerful Async Pattern in .NET and C# 5.0 with Async CTP1
- The Useful Soft Skills for Software Engineers
- ThreadPoolAbstractionAspect<T>
- Top 10 at HackerRank in Poland
- UDP Communication Aspect
- WaiterAspect And PublishersConsumerAspect<T>
- WCF and REST singing Killing me SOAPtly
- WebSockets on Windows Server 2012 with WCF 4.5
- WebSockets on Windows Server 2012 with WCF 4.5 after TuneUp