Free Correctly MCTS in C in the

Merheba, today I would like to show you issue I faced for a long timeI wanted to use Monte Carlo Tree Search with classic select, expand, back propagate and so onthe problem I faced was the memory leak, and I was looking for some time to good solution to reduce memory by one level and efficnet free memory. To make it correclty you have to calculate max depth and reecude Continue ReadingFree Correctly MCTS in C in the

C and Track Memory

Merheba, today I would like to share a bit one solution that makes me happy on macOS and C programming. Tracking allocated memory to look for memory leaks. It is very careful and quite detailed finds missing memory. It also can be very ellegant disabled by commented out definition of enable it. Maybe not like Valgrind on Linux but for me on macOS is super cool. Enjoy! Thanks!

Killing me Softly with all Songs

Hi there ;-). Today, I would like to go over it. I have almost finished 2024, which has been difficult for me for a year, even if it does not end up. Wiha, first things first, I would like to say hi to someone dear to my heart with the below picture. But I promise to protect her privacy. So I only want to say Thank you! ;-). Returning to the conclusion, Continue ReadingKilling me Softly with all Songs Architecture

Merheba, Xwendevanên hêja min! ;-). Bihêle ez çîroka îro bi vê rastiyê dest pê bikim ku dest bi lîstika Şetrenc û Şetrencê dike 960 her wiha ;-). Bêyî ku daxuyaniya destpêkê, her avantajên sêwiranê maqûl nakin. Ji kerema xwe ji bîr mekin ku her sêwirana mîmarî ya baş li ser ka tiştan çawa dixebite, ne çawa tişt têne çêkirin. Min carekê ev yek bihîst, û li ser min bandorek çêkir. Têgihiştineke zelal derdikeve holê Continue Architecture