My view-point AMD vs NVIDIA in GPU-Computing

Hello, this will be that subject, and please do not take it too much. It is only my personal opinion on the comparison as an associate scientist. And this will be on mainstream level cards opinion, not about the professional segment that is above my budget… highly above, to be honest. I was trying to express my thoughts, and I think I did it right. My opinion is based on the GNU/Linux Continue ReadingMy view-point AMD vs NVIDIA in GPU-Computing

GPU-Computing macOS Big Sur vs iBuntu Lux Sur

Hello, Let’s test this beauty from the last post on… LuxMark ;-). The thing is that I wanted to compare OpenCL. I know that OpenCL in both systems is not working entirely right. I found on macOS that (multi-GPU case) clFinish(q) is slow down each time, on iBuntu -cl-fast-relaxed-math causes a black-scenes on Lux Ball… and on Darknet on OpenCL it is more things wrong, but maybe there are my bugs, so… Continue ReadingGPU-Computing macOS Big Sur vs iBuntu Lux Sur

Mac Moria Miner Project Failure

Hello, every failure is a lesson, so let me describe my experiment and the story behind it… I dream about the most robust possible GPU-computing macOS. Let’s start with hardware… design, the way it looks, is not a design, so let’s name it the look and feel ;-). I am sorry to Apple, please forgive me. This was only for tests and future, again try, Ph.D. studies. Do not look at it Continue ReadingMac Moria Miner Project Failure

DreamPC vs HaniaPC

Hi, today I would like to share some recent hardware updates. I put in a HaniaPC the new ASUS AMD Radeon RT 6900 XT and I was wonder how it is performing compared to a Green PC workstation I upgraded in 2019 with 2 x NVidia Titan RTX 24GB VRAM each with NVLink. So are you interested in the test results? I used 3DMark for Microsoft Windows and Geekbench that is multiplatform Continue ReadingDreamPC vs HaniaPC

The CES 2021 Must to Watch

The most famous CEO on the planet! The best industry-winning products are “hearts.” The Silicon Game Changer! In short, the most to watch the public announcement at the prestigious CES 2021 conference. I personally cannot wait! Enjoy! p ;).

The Multi-GPU-SET Idea

Hello, I am a Ph.D. student in Poland at the Silesian University of Technology. And I wanted to start a general discussion on the classifier on the video stream improvement idea. I called it the “Multi-GPU & Multi-SET” or, in short, the “Multi-GPU-SET” idea. People use Multi-GPU and the “Syncing” for Convolutional Neural Networks. But nobody, in my opinion, tried multi-GPU to classify. So what is it about? Well, it is about Continue ReadingThe Multi-GPU-SET Idea

PhD Progress from May 27th 2020 Update Keynote

Hi, This video was recorded today and shows my Ph.D. first year of study effects in detail. The first on the planet… Multi-GPU & Multi-SET image classification pattern… so, I wish you a happy watch! Thanks for watching! p ;).

PhD Progress from March 8th 2020 Update Keynote

This is the status update of my private “after work” progress on my Ph.D. studies at the Silesian University in Gliwice, Poland. I think it may interest all AI/ML researchers around the world. I covered in 30 minutes the Conventional Neural Network (CNN) engine used to classify the objects on video frames. I also cover my implementation of the Darknet on OpenCL that you can find at including the goal, idea, Continue ReadingPhD Progress from March 8th 2020 Update Keynote

DarkNet CUDA vs OpenCL and CPU vs NVIDIA vs AMD

Hi, today I will show you some measurement results for my Ph.D. I am working on the first publication about DarkNet on OpenCL. The source code of this project you can find at The IEEE publication has to be consistent and intelligent. I cannot put on too many graphics and big tables, but I have a public blog site. So, I can post it here. First things first, the battle heroes Continue ReadingDarkNet CUDA vs OpenCL and CPU vs NVIDIA vs AMD

DarkNet CNN in OpenCL on macOS with Yolo3

Hi, Today I would like to announce that my GitHub fork at has a new update. The fork is an advanced port of DarkNet CNN from CUDA to OpenCL and tested on macOS with eGPU from Sonnet named Breakaway RX 570 Puck. You can enjoy my coding work on this subject by cloning the GIT repository. I only want to show you two pictures of detections on my GreenPC. YoloV2 [gamer@dreampc darknet]$ Continue ReadingDarkNet CNN in OpenCL on macOS with Yolo3

Car See by DarkNet CNN on MacBookPro 13 with Sonnet eGFX 580

Hi, I want to share a truly unique solution today. It was originally presented on TED Talks about DarkNet by Joseph Redmon. Once I saw it, I wondered how to play with this solution on my MacBook Pro 13. As you may know, has not had GPU. I am mean. It has, but it is not very strong. But that was improved once I bought Sonnet eGFX 580 Puck… the funny thing Continue ReadingCar See by DarkNet CNN on MacBookPro 13 with Sonnet eGFX 580