Darknet on OpenCL on FreeBSD 13.1

Hi, recently I helped a bit for a GitHub user rajhlinux. I am not sure if you are familiar with this Operation System. I am only a bit. But the beauty of C and C++ is that it works on different OSes and works fast! Below cute daemon image is from Wikipedia, and you can click on it to learn more. This user, a fan of FreeBSD, was using version 13.1 and Continue ReadingDarknet on OpenCL on FreeBSD 13.1

Settlers IV PL on MacBook Pro in FullScreen 16:10

Hi. today I want to share the solution for making Settlers IV PL – Gold Edition v. 2.50.1516 work on MacBook Pro fullscreen in 16:10 aspect ratio resolution. Settlers IV is, in my opinion, one of the best fairy tail designed computer strategies. It was published in 2001, and you can still buy it. Also, it not using DRM, so it is essential for the emulation of the game. For make this Continue ReadingSettlers IV PL on MacBook Pro in FullScreen 16:10